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Are you really using your superpower of being an imperfect mom to your advantage in raising your kids? Motherhood is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, often leading us to moments of imperfection. As busy moms, we strive to be high achievers in both our careers and as parents, but this pursuit of perfection can give rise to overwhelming mom guilt. However, it’s essential to understand that it is in these imperfect moments where the most meaningful memories are made.

Seeing the true power of embracing imperfection and how it can positively impact our children’s lives can completely transform how you view your own imperfections as a mom. As a homeschooling mom of three, running a multi 7-figure business, Liz brings a unique perspective on how doing things imperfectly can create beautiful memories throughout it all.

The Beauty of Imperfect Moments

In motherhood, there is no escape from imperfection; it’s an inherent part of the journey. Those seemingly crazy and chaotic moments are the ones that create cherished memories with our children. When we find ourselves in the middle of the unexpected, we may wonder how we got there. Yet, in hindsight, we laugh, cherishing the memories we made.

Breaking Free from the Pursuit of Perfection

As moms, we often strive for perfection, setting ourselves up for feelings of failure when things don’t go as planned. However, it’s crucial to recognize that perfection doesn’t exist in reality. Our expectations can lead to unnecessary mom guilt, preventing us from fully enjoying the present.

Perfection is an illusion that can lead to mom guilt. When we understand that perfect moments are rare, and imperfection is the norm, we free ourselves from unrealistic expectations. We also free ourselves to see that being an imperfect mom is a superpower we get to unlock! Embracing the truth that there is no such thing as perfect enables us to savor the little moments that matter the most.

The Impact of Present Parenting

Being present with our children, even in imperfect moments, is what truly counts. Genuine connections and deeper-level interactions form lasting memories that our kids will cherish. Mom guilt often arises when we feel disconnected from our children. By being present, actively engaging with them, and showing our authentic selves, we build stronger connections. This type of authentic connection creates moments that become memories that shape their perceptions of us and teach them self-acceptance as well.

The Pressure of Summer Break

Summers can be a time of added pressure for moms to create memorable experiences for their children. The desire to complete a summer bucket list can sometimes lead to feelings of inadequacy. A simple shift in perspective can create a massive impact. Summer flies by, and it’s easy to feel like we haven’t accomplished everything on our summer bucket list. However, it’s essential to remember that the little moments count just as much as the big ones. Rather than focusing on completing a checklist, shifting our perspective and embracing each day as an opportunity to create meaningful memories can change the way you feel and how your kids perceive their summer experiences.

Unlock your Superpower of Being an Imperfect Mom

Imperfect parenting doesn’t mean failure; it means being real and relatable to our children. Embracing our imperfections can empower our kids to embrace their own, fostering self-esteem and resilience. When we allow our kids to see our imperfections, we show them that it’s okay not to be perfect. This gift of imperfection empowers them to embrace their uniqueness and to accept that making mistakes is a part of learning and growing.


As busy moms juggling careers and parenthood, it’s essential to remember that imperfection is part of the beautiful journey of motherhood. Embrace your superpower of being an imperfect mom. Embracing imperfection not only frees us from mom guilt but also allows us to create cherished memories with our children. Each moment, no matter how imperfect, holds the potential for meaningful connections and lasting impressions. So, as we head into the end of summer and prepare for the school year, let’s embrace the joy of imperfection and be the aligned moms our children need. After all, in the eyes of our kids, our imperfections make us the perfect moms.

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Want to learn more about how Liz has mastered homeschooling her 3 kids while running a multi 7-figure at home business? Book a call with her today!