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Imagine a world where there was so much time and availability that saying yes was easy! The power of saying yes creates This is a world where we have the freedom to choose and create our own lives. 

It’s a world where we can release the pressure of doing things the same way they’ve always been done.

 This comes from the choices we made in the past and are currently making now. Getting to say yes to your kids is one of the best parts of creating the life you want!

By aligning with our priorities we can take our kids to do fun things while also finishing the ‘adult’ tasks we need to get done. 

This can look like taking time off in the middle of the day to go to the park with our kids and finishing work tasks later that night. Using our best energy to have the fun we really need while using our more subdued energy to finish up working.    

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mom and daughter picking out a stuffed animal at the store - the power of saying yes

Aligning Our Priorities 

How do we use the power of yes and no aligned with our priorities? 

It all starts with knowing what our priorities are. 

When we know what’s important to us, we can make decisions that align with those priorities. 

For example, if spending time with our family is a top priority, then saying yes to a work event that takes us away from our family may not be the best choice. 

Saying no in this situation is actually saying yes to our family.

If our priority is having fun, then we get to make time for that!  

How To Say ‘No’ And Make It Sound Like ‘Yes’ 

Saying no can be difficult, especially when we want to please others. 

But saying no in a way that sounds like yes can make all the difference. 

Instead of simply saying no, we can offer an alternative or compromise. 

For example, if your child asks you for a toy at the store, we can say something like, “We can definitely get a toy a different day, just not today.” 

This way, we’re still saying no to the toy right now, but we’re saying yes to getting a toy on another day.

This allows the child to feel like they’re being seen and heard and not simply dismissed. 

This can be difficult at the end of a long day when we’re exhausted, but if we make the conscious effort to explain the situation in a way that makes sense to them, they will feel appreciate. 

mom holding daughter kissing her cheek in a field of flowers

How To Say ‘Yes’ Without Overcommitting 

Saying yes without overcommitting is also important. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new opportunities, but we need to be mindful of our time and energy. 

Before saying yes to something, we should ask ourselves if it aligns with our priorities, if we have the time and energy to commit to it, and if it’s something we truly want to do. 

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then saying no is actually saying yes to ourselves and our well-being.

This also builds trust with ourselves because we’re not committing to something we’re going to have to back out of later.

We can use the power of saying yes for good!  

mom, dad, and kid pushing a boy in a box on a hard wood floor

Let Yourself Be Uncomfortable

Stepping outside of our comfort zone and approaching things with a beginner’s mindset can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. 

Saying yes to new experiences, even if they make us uncomfortable, can help us grow and gain self-assurance. 

It’s not always easy to do things that feel uncomfortable, but when we know the greater desires behind it, that makes it easier to allow ourselves to do something new. 

This is why it’s important to clearly define what we really want and the steps it will take to get there. This allows us to understand the reason behind why we’re doing the challenging things.   

Being Present

When we say yes to spending time with our kids, we create memories that will last a lifetime. 

In order to create these memories, we need to be present and engaged when spending time with our kids.

Putting away distractions and focusing on spending quality time with them can be so rewarding for us and our kids. 

When we do things they enjoy, such as playing games, going on adventures, or simply baking cookies, they are more engaged and we all have more fun. 

mom and daughter playing with blocks


The power of saying yes can have a significant impact on our lives and our children’s lives. 

We should prioritize our decisions based on what matters to us and our families. 

This means saying no when necessary, but doing so in a way that aligns with our priorities and values. 

We can also avoid overcommitment and be honest with ourselves and others about our limitations. 

Stepping outside of our comfort zone and approaching things with a positive attitude can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. 

Saying yes to spending time with our kids should be enjoyable and create lasting memories. 

By embracing the power of saying yes, we can create the life we want and make a positive impact on those around us.